Installation & Tips

Installation / Usage

  1. Download source files and place them on to be created "slideshow" folder under the CKeditor's plugin base.

  2. Define plugin in CKEDITOR config object.

    CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'slideshow';  
  3. Set your CKEDITOR language if you did not set it yet.

    CKEDITOR.config.language = 'en'; 
  4. You're Done !!

Bugs & Known Issues

Preview panel does not work correctly with IE9 and below (Due to the usage of "iframe" for the preview popup, It seems that the preview panel doesn't work with Internet Explorer version 9 and below).

Some tips and tricks

"Ad-Gallery" and "Fancybox" files needed for this plugin are located in the "3rdParty" directory under the "slideshow" directory. I did some slight changes in ad-gallery js and css, the diff/patch from the original version can be found in the ad-gallery directory in the download package (they are named as xxxx.diff.html and xxx.patch)

For FCFinder, you will also need to setup correct upload directories paths in "config.js" :

	   config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl = '/kcfinder/browse.php?type=images';
	   config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl = '/kcfinder/upload.php?type=images';			


Currently plugin supports 2 languages.

Translations are welcomed.


Thanks to CKeditor , ad-gallery and fancybox people for their good work.

CKEditor versions

New version 1.05 (Dec. 22 2013) has been tested on

Plugin By Cricri042